Friday, March 27, 2009

Shadow and Disowned Self (Feb 25 2007) part 4

12:01 - every level has its own wisdom

16:49 - there are at least four different definitions of spiritual

24:59 - development is a process of negating and preserving; both can go wrong

25:10 - negating wrong is repression; preserving wrong is addiction / fixation / arrested development

36:46 - you have to frustrate the level just a bit to encourage growth

37:15 - you can have too much or too little of anything

43:33 - shadows are an impulse that was once I

44:56 - a common spiritual seeker's mistake is to think that an advanced, enlightened being had no sexual drives, does not eat, has no intentionality, etc. (yeah, that's a big mistake)

45:12 - an advanced, enlightened being is not attached or identified with those things

48:54 - the standard method for growth: make subject object

53:38 - if you're a spiritual seeker, do not neglect your psychological growth

54:01 - you can go into emptiness at any psychological stage / structure / level, but when you come back, you'll still be at that same structure

54:31 - many popular teachers are hooked on nothing but states (Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie, etc.)

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