Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Shadow and Disowned Self (Feb 25 2007) part 2

1:29 - repression is not seeing your blind spots and ever more clever ways of not seeing

2:10 - your shadow is the opposite of what you're consciously aware of

2:33 - deliberately trying to "not feel anger" (a common mistake beginning Buddhists make) only guarantees repression

3:14 - getting in touch with your feeling is insufficient; it won't get you in touch with your shadow (which is, again, the opposite of what you're consciously feeling)

7:04 - how do you deal with the fear and suffering of the self contraction (the ego's fear of its own death)?

7:24 - first give awareness to the resistance to feeling the feeling

7:38 - and then give attention to the feeling

10:25 - paradoxical intentionality is a help in accessing the shadow

12:11 - the attempt to enter into transpersonal states without feeling fear is itself causing the fear

12:26 - if you assume responsibility for your feeling, you notice it, bringing it into your awareness, and out of your shadow

13:50 - fear essentially is the emotion / feeling of the separate self

15:30 - when the separate self dissolves, there's nobody to be afraid - there's just fear arising

20:51 - the fear incipient on a nondual experience is the fear of letting go of the sense of self

22:25 - observe the fear, thoroughly and completely

23:32 - the fear is a signal that you're getting to something important

43:26 - developmental sequences are responsible for most shadow elements

43:52 - symptoms and defenses are coming from two different levels; two different sequences, the structures and the fulcrums

44:38 - as the self moves through waking, dreaming and deep sleep states, each one of these states becomes objects of wakeful presence

50:07 - fixation or aversion can happen at any fulcrum or switchpoint

50:32 - some spiritual teachers are not at 2nd tier, but are conversant with causal states (Byron Katie)

51:30 - transpersonal states can still carry shadow elements

52:20 - 2nd tier green aversion is becoming common

54:03 - as are addictions to lower levels

56:50 - if your attachment is unconscious, you're repressing it

57:14 - Buddhism spots fixation, conscious attachment, not repression, unconscious attachment

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