Monday, March 30, 2009

A Miracle Called We (Mar 11 2007) part 2

18:57 - people (green, particularly) have been known to create a holarchical model of increasing expansion that's a bit confused

19:46 - for example, an ecosystem is not an expanded holon, ranking higher than a nation

21:21 - the nature of this confusion is a misunderstanding of individual organisms and communities of those organisms, the difference between a forest and a tree (a forest is not a super tree)

21:56 - the we is not a super I, the individual members of a social collective are members in relational exchange, not parts

22:21 - individuals and collectives arise simultaneously (there's no first instance)

23:02 - (interiors and exteriors are there at all points on the scale, too, and hopefully you all know all this by now)

23:23 - an individual holon has a locus of intentionality, a capacity to engage in intentional activity

23:59 - when a dog gets up to walk, 100% of his atoms go along with him

24:14 - what Whitehead called the dominant monad

24:25 - an individual has a dominant monad; a collective has a dominant mode of discourse

26:19 - individual holons develop in stages

32:03 - operating definition of a social holon: individual holons and their exchange artefacts

35:40 - when we form a we, there is no dominant monad

35:58 - exploring the we from the inside is hermeneutics (the art and science of interpretation)

38:33 - shadows serve a function

59:14 - until you can argue for another person's position better than he can, you don't understand him

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