Saturday, April 4, 2009

The World of the Terribly Obvious (Mar 31 2007) part 2

6:56 - you can have a state of consciousness when the structure of consciousness is not yet ready to hold it

8:04 - higher states and higher structures can presage themselves; tragically, contemporary psychiatry interprets this as a breakdown

24:05 - postmodernism gives us some profound insights, along with some bad mistakes

24:25 - the pre-trans fallacy; pre and trans look similar, so tend to get confused

25:01 - which leads to either elevating pre to trans status

25:33 - or reducing trans to pre

41:40 - the myth of the given is that my perceptions of the world are correct, the world is not partially a construction of my consciousness

47:14 - some of what science sees is culturally constructed

47:46 - postmodernism threw out monolithic interiors

48:54 - a quick summary of postmodernism: all structures and states have a lower left quadrant

49:19 - Foucault's archaeology of knowledge focuses on zone four; his genealogy focuses on zone three

55:32 - why the given is a myth: there is no single pre-given world that's universally true for everybody; the given world is different at every stage / level / structure

55:55 - pre-human stages are shared by everyone (interpretations of those stages will be different at different levels, of course)

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