Sunday, August 23, 2009

Integral Post Metaphysics (May 27 2007) part 4

3:20 - the twenty tenets are just tendencies; try to hold this stuff loosely

7:30 - a new holon includes eros

7:50 - a new holon has prehension, prehends its preceding moment

8:58 - including is the past determining a holon's present configuration; transcending is introducing novelty / creativity

18:01 - the horizon (the end limit) for vertical development (structures) is supermind (still sounds goofy to me), the horizon for horizontal development (states) is big mind

32:47 - when you understand the difference between states and structures, a lot of the traditions' ideas about ascending and descending paths become much more coherent

36:38 - higher structures eventually include states

46:04 - cultures survive adding a higher stage only if they make the previous stage a workable, functional station of life

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