Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Integral Life Practice (Apr 29 2007) part 2

4:54 - four definitions of spiritual: the highest level of any line, a line itself, a state, a type

22:10 - does all this just perpetuate the search for spirit, and fortify the ego's attempts to master and control reality? Doesn't awakening happen accidentally, in spite of all our self-improvement projects?

23:53 - the more you search for God, the more you reinforce the notion that God is not present

24:16 - a Zen saying: If there is any seeking, then the result of that seeking is a dharma born dead; if there is no searching, one remains an ignoramus

25:21 - you have to seek; at some point the seeking reveals the futility of the search

26:06 - seeking can go on because there is ever-present a consciousness of seeking

26:33 - a fool who persists in his folly will become wise, says Blake; meditation speeds up the folly

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