Thursday, February 24, 2011

3-01. Ken's Introduction to Stages

0:10 - both structures of consciousness and states of consciousness can unfold in stages, but states of consciousness usually don't, and structures of consciousness almost always do

1:16 - a structure is any stable pattern

2:10 - the whole often determines what the parts do

2:22 - the structure is a dynamic pattern (think of a whirlpool)

5:10 - most stage conceptions are forms of developmental structuralism

5:54 - Gebser's Integral is the collection of green and above

6:30 -Baldwin outlined the developmental levels in the cognitive line, the aesthetic line and the normative line (among others)

9:02 - Kant examined the structures as the preconditions for having experience (and thus, they're transcendental and a priori)

10:38 - only structures that have developed can be conceived

10:55 - structures can't be experienced (states, experiences, phenomena can)

12:30 - this is why the structure-stages have no history in the great traditions

17:49 - the kind of stages we find in the traditions are state-stages, states of experience that unfold in a sequence

18:01 - most states of consciousness come and go with no development or sequentiality

18:23 - five major states of consciousness according to the great traditions

23:12 - waves are another word for stages, to give the idea there is an amount of fluidity in play

23:54 - structures are probability clouds

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